Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 116
Happy Tuesday my wonderful kiddos! 

REMINDER: LIVE Zoom call with me and classmates starting at 11:40am  

Click this link for the morning message from me https://youtu.be/I718zuu_cJk

I hope everyone had a wonderful day of learning yesterday. Thank you to everyone who submitted pictures or uploaded on Seesaw. It was great to see students engaging and reflecting with the material! To my students: keep up all the hard work, you have worked so hard this year and I am so proud of everything you have accomplished. Lets' continue to keep our brain active and moving! 

Activities and Expectations for Tuesday, March 24th 

Gym: Hello everyone! Today, Ms. V is creating something special for you! Your job today is to pick your own activity (or activities) to play in order to be active for 60 minutes!
Need some ideas?  
  • Run around in the backyard or basement
  • Kick a ball around the house [be careful!]
  • Find a couple videos on GoNoodle
  • Check out Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube
  • Run up and down the stairs
  • Dance or Freeze Dance with your parents or siblings
  • Make your own Dance or Gymnastics routine using what you remember from our unit
  • Bear Walks, Crab walks, Walk backwards, Bunny hops, Frog jumps, etc. down the hallway and back in your home
  • Ms. V’s Instagram Channel - @physedwithmsv
Send me photos and videos of your creative games and ideas! ***Make sure you fill out your Activity Log to track your activity throughout the day You can also check out my PE Instagram@physedwithmsv I will be posting daily challenges and other resources to help you stay active at home!

Keep up the great work!

French: Introduction to "Spring/Le Printemps"
Students will begin to learn words related to "Spring/Le printemps".
Please checkout my Youtube video to practice your vocabulary: https://youtu.be/ZGxjXtaH2Z0
Students will then complete a vocabulary worksheet 
They can use the flash cards below to help them complete the worksheet.

Math: Learning Goals: For children to solve an addition problem using column addition and place value mats. 
Success Criteria
1. I can recognize place value columns
2. I can put the ones and tens in the accurate frame
3. I can solve an addition story problem

You are being asked to read through the word problem and add together the two double-digit numbers to solve the addition problem. We have discussed in previous lessons about solving the problem using a place value mat and checking our answering using column addition method. You will then need to look at both methods (place value mats and column addition) and determine ways they are the same and different. Please see my lesson link below: 

Please see pictures and video link below 
~Resources: Math page 162

~ Miss. Gandy’s lesson link: https://youtu.be/ihaWfX9wg5k

Language: Learning Goals: For students to learn about the learner profile of the month caring and answer reflective questions.
Success Criteria
1. I can describe the term ‘caring’ 
2. I can reflect and brainstorm about ways I show I am caring in my life
3. I can independently answer the questions using full sentences 
We are learning to be ‘caring’ this month. To be caring is when we show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us. We showed caring and discussed being caring when we created our buckets and tried to be bucket fillers every day, through our kind words and actions. Please go to the link below where I will be reading a story to you called ‘The Kissing Hand’. Then you are going to take the caring sheet template and reflect on being caring. How do I show caring in my everyday life? What does it mean to be caring? And draw a picture of a situation where you have shown that you have been caring. Maybe you can ask your mom, dad or even siblings what they think the term caring means to them and how they are caring in their every day life. 

Once students are finished this will be a good time to encourage a quiet time session 

Quiet Time Session:
Raz Kids: Have students log into their account and read for 15-20 minutes. I have made sure that every account is registered to the student’s current reading level. There are very good quizzes and comprehension tasks that will check their understanding of the book and help make connections to what they have read. 

~Resources: Read out link below, caring brainstorming page and Raz Kids. 

~ Miss. Gandy’s lesson link: 
Unit of Inquiry: Learning Goals: For students to work on their good copy of their landscape painting using implied lines, light vs. dark and contrast. 
Success Criteria
1. I can discuss information about Ted Harrison and Aboriginal art 
2. I can use implied lines, contrast, light and dark colours
3. I can work independently to create my painting 

Today is the day where you will create your good copy of your Ted Harrison landscape painting. You will need a few different resources to complete your painting. Please see resource section below. You will take another piece of paper and draw out your landscape using a variety of shaped lines. Then you will take the information you have learned about warm and cool colours and begin to paint your painting creating a cool ground and a warm sky. If you wish you are more than welcome to put an Inukshuk on your painting as well. This can be made out of construction paper. Please see my lesson link below

~Resources: Paper, pencil, eraser, paintbrush, paint, warm and cool paint, construction paper etc. 

~ Miss. Gandy’s lesson link: https://youtu.be/LDzGFD8dVQ0

Music: Welcome back to music class!  I hope you had a wonderful March break!  Later in the week I will be posting a video where you can sing vocal warm-ups with me and favorite songs just like we do in music class but in your own home.  It will be fun!  Today for music class I would love for you to warm up your singing voices by composing your own vocal warm up like we do in class (such as "It is Monday" to do mi so do so mi do).  Then practice singing one of your favorite songs from music class such as "The Elevator Song."  After you have done that please compose your own song or parody (a song with lyrics that you make up set to a familiar tune like "twinkle twinkle"). The song should be about how important it is to stay home right now and why.  An example of a song three brothers composed can be found by googling "Ladner brothers stay home."  Please write your song lyrics on paper.  You are welcome to email me the lyrics at amcmillan@stjudesacademy.com. When you are finished you can perform your song for your family!  Feel free to send me a video! When you are finished you can have fun composing songs online on the song maker website which ishttps://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/
1.Compose your own vocal warm up.
2. Sing one of your favourite songs from music class.
3.Compose your own song or parody about the importance of staying home right now.
4.Compose songs on Song Maker 

Have a great day! 

Love, Miss. Gandy 

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