Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 120
Happy Magnificent Monday, 
I hope everyone had a lovely and restful weekend. 

Today is the switch to Seesaw; I have included some information on this blog for today only. Please refer to Seesaw to find additional information and expectations for each subject, as this will be our new learning platform.   

We have another full week of online learning! Our Zoom meeting will be held at 10:00am. I can’t wait to see everyone there. **Please note- if you have not returned the online consent from, students are unable to join our meeting. 

Activities and Expectations for Monday, March 30th

Your expectations and subjects for today are…

Morning Message: want to hear all about YOUR weekend! Please send me a video or recording of what you did on the weekend and share it with my through Seesaw This activity is the first thing I want you to do before you start your day off :) Enjoy and have fun! Link:

Gym:PE with Ms. V! 

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Since we are all learning how to use SeeSaw today, I thought it would be a good idea to relax and take some time for ourselves today. We will be doing Yoga today to relax our bodies and minds, focus on our breathing and be mindful with ourselves. You may choose to do one of the following activities:
Yoga in the Hive 

Cosmic Kids Yoga – Kickapoo the Kangaroo 

HOMEWORK: Think of an activity that you would like to master while learning from home. It must be something involving physical fitness. We will work on these goals throughout the next couple of weeks. I will be asking for responses throughout the week.
  • Dribble a soccer ball
  • Jump rope 
  • Do a cartwheel 
  • Balance on one foot for 30 seconds 

Have a great day!! 

French: Bonjour! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
To start off, I would like to know what you did during the weekend. 
Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait pendant le week-end?
Students will write ONE sentence about what they did during the weekend and draw a picture. Students can use the following sentence starters as a guide. You may use a French-English dictionary ( Please do not use Google Translate.
Je suis allé(e)… (I went to…)
J’ai regardé… (I watched…)
J’ai joué… (I played…)
J’ai mangé (I ate…)
J’ai fait… 
(I did/make…)
J’ai lu… (I read…)
For example : Pendant le week-end, j’ai fait mes devoirs.
During the weekend, I did my homework.
After completing your journal, students may have some fun with the following to review their spring vocabulary (there are fun exercises including matching, games, spelling activities and a practice test:

Math: Learning Goals: For students to use different methods to solve a subtraction problem. 
Success Criteria
1. I can identify my ones and tens column. 
2. I can use a place value mat and column method to answer the questions. 
3. I can reflect on how each method is alike and different. 


Page 169: You will first read through the word problem ‘ How Many Problems’, Underline the key word that tells us we need to subtract. Build and answer the subtraction story on a place value mat and then record it using column method. Then at the bottom you are being asked to reflect on each method. How is subtracting using a place value mat and column method alike and different. Once you are finished we are going to play a mental math game for 10-15 minutes. Please go to website
This is a great link that has mental math games for place value, adding and subtraction. They have the option of challenging themselves as well and can change grade if they wish. 

Resources you will need
- Math page 169 

Miss. Gandy's lesson link
Language: Learning Goals: For students to learn and work on the spelling words of the week. 
Success Criteria
1. I can independently copy out the words of the week. 
2. I can identify blends with s. 
3. I can independently complete the activities. 

Instructions: To begin you will look through the words of the week and begin to copy them out in cursive on a whiteboard or a piece of paper. Then you will work through the different pages from the spelling workout book using the words of the week. Please do not start your sentences, as you will be doing this for one of your language tasks later in the week! Keep practicing your spelling words for your spelling test on Friday! Once you are finished your language activity for the day there will be a quiet time session: RAZ KIDS for 30 minutes 

Resources you will need 
- Spelling pages 114-116 
- Piece of paper to copy out words 

Miss. Gandy's lesson link:

Unit of Inquiry: Learning Goals: For students to learn and create their own Totem Pole using symbols that represent their family history and/or something special about them. 
Success Criteria
1. I can brainstorm 3-4 symbols that represent my family history or something special about me. 
2. I can use different materials to design my symbols. 
3. I can assemble my totem pole using each symbol. Instructions: 

Instructions: Today you will be learning about Totem Poles and creating your very own. Your focus today is choosing your symbols and building your base. If you have extra time you can gather your resources you will need for your symbols! ******Skip to Time: 3:30-6:00 

Resources you will need
-Paper towel roll or toilet paper rolls (3) 
-Construction paper 
-Pencil Crayons 
- Any other materials to decorate their totem pole such as glitter, feathers, clay, googly eyes etc. 

Miss Gandy's Lesson Link:

Music: I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Today in music class you will enjoy singing songs about food. You are welcome to use your musical instrument that you made to play while you sing. Here is the link to the songs.

When you are finished singing you are welcome to make music notes with food! For example, a quarter note would be made using a grape for the circle, and a carrot for the stem on the right side.  Here is a picture of a large eighth note.  Then you may eat your music notes for a snack!  Have fun!

When you are finished you may music games on www.
 Have a wonderful day!

Staying Connected Photo Contest! 
We are overwhelmed by the enthusiasm to our SJA online learning and Student Life efforts and want to capture this in a fun and engaging contest for all students in all grades! See details attached. Our April Newsletter and social media channels will feature some of these photos! Please see attached flyer. Contest ends April 1st! 
Have a wonderful day of learning, 

Miss. Gandy 

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